Clare Forestier

Event Host

Clare helps people to present themselves, their businesses, and their ideas. She learned how to engage and entertain an audience during her 25-year career as a broadcast journalist, working in TV and radio news across
the BBC and other UK broadcast outlets.

Clare has also worked in private business, undertaking Fortune 500 executive interviews, hosting business events and roundtable discussions dealing with a variety of subjects and industries. Based in the UK, she now runs her own business, using the skills she developed in her journalism career to facilitate and emcee business events and train people in media and presentation skills.

Clare has hosted events for many different organisations including Mitel, KPMG, PwC, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM, Accenture, on subjects as diverse as sustainability, global supply chains, higher education, menopause in the workplace, CX, FinTech, CRM, HR, Data and Security.