What's New for VISION 2022?

A broader scope and greater diversity in voices makes The VISION Conference 2022 a fresh, focused and different event than before.

If you attended VISION when we last convened, you know you will network with thought leaders and agribusiness professionals that are strategically integrating innovations into their operations. You’ll connect with technology tastemakers and go home with actionable ideas.

The same future-focused perspective and valuable engagement is at VISION 2022—and there’s more. We expanded the agenda to engage perspectives from the entire food value change and new allied constituents that are driving change.

Here’s what to expect at VISION 2022:

How the industry is responding to the powerful external forces that are influencing the future of agribusiness—societal and environmental trends like sustainability, carbon sequestration, climate change, regenerative agriculture, consumer preference, and more.

  • How the industry’s is transforming with strategic realignments, broader crop solutions platforms , new tech alliances, innovative integrated systems , and billion-dollar commitment will impact your future.
  • A look at the new generation of interconnected interoperable trends for data-driven agriculture.
  • Gain perspective and insights from other industries that are more advanced in their tech transformation journeys.
  • Get access to yearlong innovative VISION experiences, including an interactive digital report and online programming.